About HGI

A Nonprofit Organization Dedicated to Preserving the Past

Historic Georgetown, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation formed to preserve and encourage the preservation of historic buildings, objects, sites, and areas related to the history of Georgetown, Colorado.

Ariel view of Georgetown Colorado is shown

“There may have been a time… when preservation was about saving an old building here and there, but those days are gone. Preservation is in the business of saving communities and the values they embody.”

– Richard Moe, Former President of the National Trust for Historic Preservation

Mission Statement

Our mission is to promote an awareness of and respect for all that is historically and architecturally significant about Georgetown; to advocate the appropriate management and conservation of its natural setting; and, through these efforts, to keep alive and intact-for the enrichment of present and future generations-the inherited character, charm, and beauty of Georgetown and its unique role in the development of the Rocky Mountain West of the United States of America.

About Historic Georgetown, Inc.

In 1966, the National Park Service designated Georgetown, Silver Plume, the intervening Loop valley, and the surrounding mountainsides as the Georgetown Silver Plume National Historic Landmark District in recognition of this area’s uniquely well-preserved representation of the 19th century Rocky Mountain mining boom.Georgetown celebrated the event. However, within two years, newcomers interested in preservation realized that a federal designation would not protect the historic resources from being removed or overwhelmed by expansion and development-particularly with the potential of a Winter Olympics and the reality of Interstate 70. For this reason, in 1969, a group of concerned citizens composed of Ron Neely, John Calhoun, and Cynthia Wadsworth proposed the idea of a historical society to established business owners Bob Bolander, Bob Gibbs, and Wally Baehler.On May 7, 1970, the Georgetown Society-later known as Georgetown Historical Society and now as Historic Georgetown, Inc.-was incorporated, which marked the beginning of our journey. From the start, Historic Georgetown, Inc. was as much a preservation agency as a traditional historical society. Our first project involved assisting the community of Georgetown in the passage of Colorado’s first townwide historic preservation ordinance that provided for the requirement of building design reviews, which continues to this day.

Preservation Efforts

Over the years, we have handled the acquisition and preservation of historic structures as well as the conservation of the setting through open lands, promotion of heritage tourism, cultural and fundraising events, publications, educational courses, and a constant-and sometimes boisterous-commitment to the integrity of the Landmark District. Today, we continuously pursue our historic preservation goals through community education programs, restoration projects, historical property conservation movements, and more.

The property, funds, policies, and affairs of Historic Georgetown, Inc. are administered by a volunteer board of directors. An executive director provides day-to-day management while part-time staff and volunteers serve as guides and maintenance personnel. The dedication of the board and volunteers as well as full- and part-time staff is key to a smooth-running organization.

Restoration Work

Hamill House Restoration

​We are pleased to announce that Historic Georgetown, Inc. has applied for a third grant from the Colorado State Historic Fund to proceed with some much-needed repair work on the roof and the conservatory. We will continue to host fundraising events to collect matching funds for the grant. You can stay tuned to our website to keep abreast of the status of our application.Browse our Support page or click the Donate button to contribute to our restoration project. For more ways to get involved or donate directly, call our office at (303) 569-2840. Our entire Hamill House restoration team will be actively handling this project for a few more years. Feel free to visit us and learn more about the master craftsmen who are working on the project.

Historic Georgetown, Inc. Newsletters

If you would like to receive our Newsletter by email or regular mail, please contact us at preservation@historicgeorgetown.org


The Silver Queen Preservation News

A Publication of Historic Georgetown, Inc.


Dear Members,

Historic Georgetown, Inc.is a 501-C-3 preservation membership organization that embraces the town we live in. Economic success is reflected in the stewardship of our historic core, the Georgetown Silver Plume National Historic Landmark District. Our residential homes and businesses by the Lake, the entrance and exit from I-70 to the Gateway Visitors Center, hotels, business and restaurants at the round-a-bout all welcoming everyone that visits Georgetown. We thrive, because of our collective care for who we are today, and who we were long ago. You can see many parks and open space areas, playgrounds, a dog park, and the sound of laughter as we walk; understanding that “history is studied in eras and decades, but it is lived in hours and days”.

Comparing house museums to traditional museums, as many people try to do, does them a disservice. We find visitors want to soak in an experience inside the house and outside in the surroundings, not wait in line to cycle through an exhibit. An historic home is a time machine and we want to design “time travel” in a manner that registers an experience our visitors will never forget. The Five Pillars of a thriving non-profit, People – Profits – Programs – Narrative – Strategy. Historic Georgetown, Inc. (HGI) encompasses many PEOPLE, volunteers, board members, life members that stay in touch, new members, staff and the residents and businesses that participate and enjoy our activities. PROFITS each year are growing, PROGRAMS are now being formed in committees staffed by the board and volunteers, generating special events, education curriculum, monitoring our properties, and growing our membership. NARRATIVE (storytelling) has always been exceptional surrounding the beginning of Historic Georgetown, Inc. the story creates an excitement to all that hear it, and the enthusiasm translates into action. STRATEGY, the pillar that invites and inspires people to be a part of Historic Georgetown, Inc. (HGI)I now and in our future are setting the plans for years to come.

Nancy Hale
Executive Director

Make your donation mean more! Donation match is made when you donate through Colorado Gives.



Spotlight on Renovation

Historical preservation involves studying history, honoring the lessons history has taught us, remembering and celebrating our diverse yet shared past. One of the best ways to experience history is by seeing and touching it. We are fortunate here in Georgetown to be a part of the Georgetown-Silver Plume National Historic Landmark District which places utmost importance on the physical preservation of contributing architectural structures, like the Hamill House, structures that relay the unique narrative of Georgetown, Colorado in its heyday during the nineteenth century mining boom.Through the leadership of HGI’s Executive Director, Nancy Hale, the support of our board of directors and funding provided by individual donors and Grants awarded to us by the Colorado State Historical Fund (SHF), HGI has been shoring up the Hamill House Museum in order to ensure its survival for the next 153 years…plus.

The work is based on recommendations made in a 2015 structural assessment headed by architect team Tim and Kris Hoehn, the result of another grant awarded by SHF. Seasoned restoration specialist Tim McDonough and his team at Silver Plume Home Services have been contracted to complete the restoration work.

The parlor ceiling was stage one of a five part plan to preserve the Hamill House Museum for years to come. The work involved placing metal beams in the interior hallway walls that attach to sister beams placed horizontally in the floor of Hannah’s room to reinforce the parlor ceiling. The library ceiling is stage two of the plan. It includes a similar process of reinforcing the ceiling used for the parlor, however, the metal support beams are being placed in the exterior wall in front of the conservatory, sister beams placed in the above two older Hamill Boy’s bedrooms. Final touches (including wallpaper and paint) will be added to both the parlor and library once the structural work is complete and project specific grants have been secured.

In the meantime feel free to stop by and see the Hamill House in the process of this amazing restoration. Call ahead to schedule and appointment.

Only in Georgetown: How to get to the Bottom of Things


As I was going through Christmas Market brochures of years past in preparing this year's brochure and press release. I realized there was a discrepancy as to which official anniversary 20018s Christmas Market would be celebrating. 1998's brochure suggested the first Christmas Market was 1960, whereas 2001's brochure suggested 1959. Executive Director, Nancy Hale, and I were left grappling with whether 2018 would be the 58th or 59th annual Christmas Market. After much to do at the office of HGI and no firm answer to be had. I decided to march myself over to Shoppe International in hopes of finding Janice or Mike Moore. Certainly they would be able to settle it, for they were here at the very first Christmas Market...whenever that was. Was it 1959 or 1960? Much to my dismay Janice was of the mind Georgetown's first Christmas Market took place in 1963 or 1964.

Janice is not one to give up easily, thus she made it her mission, at that moment, to get to the bottom of it. Before I knew what was happening, Janice took a beeline for Strousse Park over to Strousse Park in search of the Christmas Market plaque, but the plaque was gone or moved or maybe there was never plaque. She didn't give up though. I could see the light of a flickering of a distant memory take form in her eyes. She may have even raised a pointed index finger in the air in triumph. "The Denver Post did an article that first year," she said excitedly. Janice realized then she needed backup. Enter Pattie Fraley. I listened as Janice picked up Shoppe International's landline phone to call Pattie's landline. Low and behold Pattie had given Christmas Market founder's daughter??? a framed copy of that article for Christmas last year. Yippee! Mystery solved!, the first Christmas market took place in 1960, which makes this year the official 59th Christmas Market.

Historic Georgetown Inc. Membership Information

HGI needs your help to continue its work. We are only able to continue the work of preservation through your donations and membership contributions which are both tax deductible. Please join us in the preservation of Georgetown and its environs and enjoy the benefits of membership which include reduced rental rates, free Hamill House Museum tours. HGI also provides the added benefit of free admittance to over 1,000 museums throughout North America to North American to Restorer level and above members.

Membership Form

Please complete the form below and then press submit. You will Then be taken to the payment page where you can choose your membership level. After the payment is processed a membership card will be sent in the mail.

Join/Renew Now

The Silver Queen Preservation News

is a publication of HGI, a Colorado not-for-profit 501 (c) 3. PO Box 667, Georgetown, CO 80444

Board of Directors 2024-2025

Chair: Beth Montgomery

Vice-Chairs: Mary Smith, Norma Hafenstein, Jan Shirlaw

Secretary: Ellen Elliott

Treasurer: Gregg Pederson

Endowment: Robert Gibbs

Kathy Hoeft, Gary Faselt, Sue Knous, Jim Blugerman, John Sprunger, Robert Maughan and Vicki Arrastia


Executive Director: Nancy Hale
Head of Finance: Bettina Goscinski

Historic Georgetown Inc. “Building the future by restoring the past.”